Bow Wow: “I slept with Kim Kardashian” (DETAILS)

In an interview with 105.1 in New York, Bow Wow basically admits to hooking up with Kim Kardashian two years ago so it’s anybody’s guess whether that was before, after or during the time she was banging Kanye West, Gabriel Aubry, Miles Austin or that entire inner-city basketball team whose bodies were found mysteriously flattened in a landfill. (Sometimes she just wants to be on top.) Via Gossip Cop:
The rapper-actor is asked about hookups ranging from Ciara to Angela Simmons, and then the hosts inquire about Kardashian.
While he doesn’t divulge specifics – or even explicitly admit to it – Bow Wow implies strongly that he and the reality superstar had a tryst.
He says he hasn’t spoken to Kardashian in about two years, but describes her as a “sweet person” and “cool peoples.”
We wonder if she’ll feel this interview is “cool.”
I have a feeling Kim Kardashian will definitely think it’s “cool” because A.) Her name was mentioned in some form of media, and B.) it’s not like she doesn’t know people just assume she’s slept with every black dude alive. “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice your dark skin. Would you mind describing what Kim Kardashian looks like nake- Hey, get off me, secret service!”


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